Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good News Again

Had another lung test today. The results are fantastic! My lower lobe performance went from 60% to 90%. This is better than the first test done prior to chemo. The radiation doc says it's due to the chest mass shrinking. That's a lot of shrinkage. I couldn't physically tell a difference but I'll take the improvement. The second rad treatment today went well. Much better than yesterday. Prior to arriving I stopped at my favorite coffee house (Starbucks) to just chill. Good coffee and a book. It was nice to sit there for a short while. I'm sure I'll be doing that more often throughout the treatments. I was surfing other Hodgkin blogs and ran across this picture of a man getting radiation. This will give you all an idea of what I do every day. The mesh mask is very snug. The machine does rotate around in order to zap one on the top and once from underneath. Met with the doc today too. Not much to discuss. So, two down and 15 more to go.
Hope everyone has a great week.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Hooray for the good news! It's just going to continue on like this through to the end I know it! Pretty soon you will be done with all this and able to enjoy life without the thought of when you'll go back for another tx. I know you will be so glad when that day arrives but it's getting closer. I'm happy to hear you're getting some relaxation with your coffee and book. A good book to me is on the list of best things in life. I can't tell you how good I feel about this whole ordeal being almost done Annie. You've been a real trouper thoughout this situation and you deserve the best. That will soon be here in the form of hearing the doc said, you're all done and you are perfectly healed! God is good!