Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Made It!

WOO HOOOO!!!! Just completed my last radiation treatment. What an unbelievable journey these last five months have been. I can't begin to put into words how I feel. As the zapping was done and they unbolted me from the table, I couldn't help but yell out WOOO HOOO!!!!!! They heard me all the way up front but I didn't care. What a ride. I've learned so much these last five months. It's amazing how such a dark experience can bring so much good to a person's life. The continuous support by family, friends, coworkers, and customers was a blessing. I never felt alone. There were many nights, lying in bed, that I would just silently cry. Being the wife of a Special Operations Soldier teaches you to be strong and resilient to almost anything, but this was a true test of will. I was adamant to beat this no matter how bad it got. At times I wasn't sure about this journey but I have to admit, my faith in God brought me through. I honestly believe attitude and mind set are two key factors to conquer anything. As I said back in March, I would dance with the devil. I did and I won. If you want to compete with me, you'd better bring your "A Game" 'cause I don't play. As my grandmother use to say "I ain't studding you." I've been told my blog has helped others. I'm very thankful for that. Having Cancer has allowed me some memorable experiences. I was able to spend the summer with my oldest daughter and a few weeks with my youngest. Times I will treasure dearly. The most difficult part of this journey was the day I had to tell my girls. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But, as faith would have it, they're both home today, although sick, but with me on my last day of treatment. A blessing in disguise. And my husband.....a strong man who stood by me everyday angered he couldn't do anything about this. The one thing he did do was make me laugh. That too was a blessing. So as I continue to travel down this new path of mine, there will be changes. My priorities have definitely been rearranged. If there's one thing I've learned from this it's don't take anything for granted. As George Carlin once stated "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." So my message to all of you is simply this. No matter how bad your situation is, remember someone else is dealing with something much worse. It will be okay. One way or another. The next step for me is returning to work, which I plan to do Thursday. It will be a gradual return, taking one day at a time. I'm excited to get back to my life, knowing "normal" will have a new definition. My three month checkup is Oct 13th, which will deliver CT/PET scan results. This will show how all the treatments have fared with the cancer cells. I have all the faith in the world the results will be outstanding. Thank you to everyone for standing by me. Your prayers and support continue to amaze me. I'm very thankful for all of you.


Jo Anne said...

Annie, That is wonderful news. I could not be happier for you. The past few months, you have been in my prayers and the prayers of my church. You are right, things like this are life changing events. God has his way of working us and if we listen and follow, it will all work out. Take it easy going back to work! I know how it can be. You are a strong woman and this has made you stronger. Your daughters have a great role model. Take care. Know I think of you often. Godspeed ahead!! Jo Anne

Pam said...

Hi Annie,
I'm sorry I haven't been able to write sooner but I have this terrible cold and just feel so crappy. Anyway Jo Anne said it all and I just want to ditto everythinhg. I am so happy you are DONE! Start planning your celebration party. I know that it is already a done deal but I am still keeping it in my prayers for you to get a complete and total zero cancer cell report! GOd bless you and have a wonderful week!