Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday 4/8/08 - Chemo#2 Complete

Much better session this time. Helps to know what to expect, although I've come to not expect anything so not to get disappointed. That applied to today, somewhat. After the routine blood work was done, the Chemo nurse commented my wbc was low that she would have to consult the doc to see if I could receive treatment or wait a week for the wbc to rebound. That's the joy of receiving chemo. The drugs are so powerful, they kill both good and bad cells. My hope is someday the docs will discover how to only kill the bad cells. Anyway, doc let me receive treatment but I have to get a shot tomorrow that will help boost the wbc's. Apparently my bone marrow is sensitive, which is good and bad. Good because the drugs are working and bad because the good cells don't have a chance. They're gonna get whacked too. However, I have a plan!! Got a juicer and lots of fruits and veggies along with various recipes. Our concoctions will deliver high vitamin drinks to focus on giving back to my system....and Ric's. He'll get healthy too. Also continuing to eat awful tasting high iron foods (liver, turnip greens,etc.). Yuck...but I eat it because I know it's good for me. Went to lunch with my friend Monica yesterday. I've decided Monday prior to treament days will be "high iron" lunch day. Unfortunalty the place we went only had turnip greens. Even with ham pieces they were terrible, but I ate them. I actually convinced Monica to try them. The look on her face agreed with me that they were not very tasty. You have to laugh though. Like I've said, this will be an adventure. The focus between now and the next treatment is to stay germ free. Good hand washing, stay away from others with cooties, etc. Can't get sick. Doc said to watch for a temperature. If it was to reach 100.4, a 2-3 day vacation stay at the local hospital could occur to reboost my immune system. The shot I get tomorrow is to help avoid that. So I guess more fun is in store. I always did like a challenge. This past Saturday, Ric and I went wig shopping. It gives "a humbling experience" a whole new meaning. Needless to say I didn't fare well but did come home and order two from the same catalog as I did my scarfs and hats. Hopefully they work out. Also bought some hair products called Nixion, which is for thinning and medical breakage. This won't stop my hair from falling out or thinning but should slow it down. I've read a lot of other blogs where others receiving the same chemo drugs as I, only had their hair thin. That's my goal. I'm willing my hair to NOT fall out. Very hard thing for me to deal with. Before I close out this entry, I'd like to say thank you to everyone for keeping me in your prayers. I feel your support. I appreciate the cards and gifts too! Lots of love out there which helped me succeed today and will carry me though each tomorrow. You all are awesome! Growing up an only child has made me very self-sufficient which as always worked for me. In this case, I feel truly blessed to have all of you in my corner. My family has grown to a size unmeasurable. I've changed my (cell) ring tone to the James Brown song "I feel good" because I do. It feels good to be loved and supported. Thank you all for being there for me.


Anonymous said...

And here I have all this hair just waiting for you and you go buy some? I don't know what to think? Is it that you just want to try to be a red-head? No, say you aren't going blond!

Anonymous said...

Annie, it's so great to see your pictures and read your blog. I'm glad you are doing well and, you look FANTASTIC! I can only imagine the difficulties you are having with the wig thing...you can always have some of my hair!!! Want curls? LOL!!! Hang in there and know that I think of you often and say a prayer every night for you. Hugs, Kathi

Holly said...

Hi Annie,
Its Holly (Hogue). Well I cant offer you hair as others have since mine is almost as short as yours, but you can have anything else on me you want, ok well not my implants, I am keeping those!! Seriously though, I admire your positive outlook. You are an inspiration of how everyone should be facing life. Just know you have family in AK that miss you & think of you often!

Holly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Annie,
It's Tammy haven't talked to you in forever but I think of you daily. (Especially since I live down the street from your childhood home and my ex bought it) Weird to think my children sleep in your old room.

I so admire your attitude and positive thinking. I will keep that going all the way up here in the cold tundra. I would gladly give you anything needed. Your girls look great and you still look the same as in school.

As usual you seem to be attacking everything with that great, winning attitude. Just thought I would let you know that no matter what I will always be here and you have family in Alaska. That is if you choose to claim us. I am praying for you and sending you all my positive energy.


Darl said...

Hi Annie,

You have such a positive attitude and spirt. We love you much.

Corneice said...

Just want to let you know you are still in my prayers (and that of all of my church family). You are such a strong person. The devil just didn't know who he was tangling with. Keep the faith and the strength and this thing doesn't have a chance.


Pam said...

Hi Annie,
Sorry it's taken me so long to get on here. Ricky told me about this blog and I was so glad to hear that. It is easier to keep everyone posted this way.
I hope you know how much you really are cared about and how many prayers are being sent ouot for you everyday. If there is anything you need that I can do, just pick up the phone. And--- I'll go to lunch with you and happily eat those nasty old collards and many other things too except chitterlings, I draw the line at that ha.
On the hair thing, you are so lucky to have such a beautiful face that you would look great without a single hair on your head. If it comes to that you may want to weaer the wigs but you don't have to in order to look good. Hang in there girl knowing how much the Lord loves you and is healing you at this very moment!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I'll join you for comfort food any time, just no more turnips for me :)