Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday 3/29/08

Well, a very successful first week ended of chemo and working. Still feeling good but a bit tired at times. I continue to be amazed by all the support from everyone. Very moving. Thank You.
My dear friend Mary gave me a Reiki treatment last night. For those who are not familiar with this, it is a method of spiritual healing focusing on one's "life force energy." It treats the whole person, including body, mind, emotions, and spirit with the effects creating a feeling of peace, relaxation, security, and well-being. I'm a full believer the mind is very powerful and can help over come just about anything. Needless to say, Mary was able to remove a lot of negative energy leading me on a spiritual path of healing. Thank You Mary! Next week is my "off week" which means my next Chemo is 4/8/08. Next week will focus rest and keeping busy. Sounds alike a double-negative but for those who know me understand. I have to stay busy or I'll be crazier than I already am. My scrapbook is coming along. I'll enjoy sharing this with everyone when this is over. So I hope everyone has a great weekend. Remember to smile!


Mary V. said...

Goodmorning! I am truely blessed by a God who brought us together and a friend who allowed me to enter your world. Thanks for allowing me to be part of your healing process. Have a peaceful day.

Love, Mary

Jennifer said...

Annie - I love you so much! I'm sorry that you are so far away and we can't see each other more often. Please know that your Texas family is constantly praying for you, Ric and the girls. Speaking of the girls - OH MY! When did they get so big??? Bring on the dance Mr. D. We've got Annie's back.

Jennifer Gray
McKinney, TX

Texas Auntie said...

It's a whole week now since you left that last blog, so I am thinking ahead to next week when you have your next treatment. Sam and I are praying that you are continuing to feel as strong as possible physically and that you feel surrounded by love. If your weather is warming and the flowers are showing their beautiful faces, that should help some.
Speaking of beautiful, what gorgeous girls you three are! Love to sweet Ric, too.

Anonymous said...

You are a VERY strong person...much stronger than me! I am thinking about you and your family and both Brian and I are sending you our prayers. You will get through this!

Take care!